The ASAVAL is open to integrate all valuation companies as members and all
individual appraisers who share and strive for the same objectives of raising
valuation quality standards, who accept and respect the Statutes of the
Association and the fundamental principles defined therein, as well as the
Regulations of Admission and Permanence of Members and the Regulations of
Conduct and Deontology.
Collective ASAVAL associates may be companies whose usual activity is the
valuation of assets, heritage, real estate and/or equipment, which have
established an internal quality control system for the valuations, all of which
must be drawn up with the intervention of at least two asset valuers, proposed
by at least two associated valuation companies and approved by Management
and confirmed by the General Meeting.
The following Valuation Companies are collective members of the ASAVAL and in their professional practice they comply with the EVS - European Valuation Standards (European Valuation Standards edited by TEGOVA of which ASAVAL is "Awarding Member Association"):